Our son, who lives in Ontario was recently home for a nice long visit. Although he loves to do lots of fun things while home, such as our trip to the Fundy Trail, one of his favourite things is to have some local seafood, like fresh mussels. If you're not familiar with mussels, it's the common name used for members of several families of bivalve molluscs, from saltwater and freshwater habitats. These groups have in common a shell whose outline is elongated and asymmetrical compared with … [Read more...]
PEI Mussels in Creamy White Wine Sauce
A couple of evenings ago we had unexpected guests drop in for a visit. Does this every happen to you? Anyway, as I was hanging up coats, I was searching my brain, trying to think of something we could have with a glass of wine. Then I remembered that in the freezer, I had a loaf of PC® artisan bread as well as a box of President's Choice® PEI Mussels in Creamy White Wine Sauce. Problem solved! I grabbed the bread and mussels from the freezer and headed to the kitchen as my hubby poured us … [Read more...]