Orange Loaf with Orange Icing Drizzle

Orange Loaf with Orange Icing Drizzle ~ A couple weeks ago, because they were on sale,  I bought a big bag of oranges.  We did well eating them the first few days and then...well, we seemed to forget about them. Consequently, a couple of days ago when I was rummaging in the crisper, I came across three lonely oranges that, while not "bad", had certainly seen better days. I hate to waste food, so I was wracking my brain to come up with a recipe to use them in. I remember years ago … [Read more...]

Cranberry Orange Bread

Last week I was craving something sweet (which is nothing new...) to have with an afternoon cup of tea. As I stood, staring blankly into the fridge and freezer, I noticed a bag of frozen cranberries which were left over from Christmas. Then I remembered there was also a big orange in the fruit bowl...eureka, I could make Cranberry Orange Bread! Ever since Christmas, and knowing I had the frozen cranberries,  I had thought of making a Cranberry Bread. Originally I thought of pairing the … [Read more...]

Cranberry Orange Muffins

I think by now you are all aware of my obsession with muffins. Honestly, I think I could live on muffins alone! That reminds me of something. I remember working as a nurse on some of the hospital units and physicians would occasionally admit patients, usually women, under the diagnosis of "Tea and Toast Syndrome". What usually happened was, these wee women were living on their own. They didn't have the will or inclination to go to the bother of preparing a nutritious meal, just for … [Read more...]