This past winter, I can vividly remember looking out the windows at the mounds of snow surrounding our house and mentally counting the days until warmer weather. Now finally, after a long cold winter, the warm summer days and nights have arrived. Very soon now, summer vacations will begin and the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer that we dreamed about all winter will become a reality! While I still don't mind spending the occasional afternoon in the kitchen, puttering around and making a big … [Read more...]
Pizza – Simple to Make at Home and Simply Delicious!
During the colder months we often have pizza for our Friday night dinner. Over the years, we have tired of the cost, as well as the quality of many fast food and frozen style pizzas. After experimenting with many recipes we have finally discovered, what is for us, the perfect pizza! You may find it surprising, but with a minimal effort, it is fairly easy to make your own pizza; it is also infinitely more nutritious and totally customizable. Basically, you make the dough and if you have a … [Read more...]