Christmas has always been, by far, my favourite time of the year. The Christmas “season”, yes, aptly named because it’s far more than just a single day, is the only time of year we all share a joint purpose. It’s like some unwritten contract that we have all have signed, promising to be more charitable, appreciative, tolerant and most of all, nicer to each other. It’s funny, but when I think about Christmas, my thoughts are never about gifts, either given or received. My memories always … [Read more...]
Is it Christmas or Excess? Try the Want-Need-Wear-Read Philosophy of Gift Giving
Our Book Club’s choice for February – “When God Was a Rabbit” by Sarah Winman
This is the book we are reading for February in the book club I belong to. It's actually my pick. A sweet friend of mine was reading it this past summer and said she was enjoying it. I had heard a lot of buzz surrounding the book and I must admit I was intrigued by the title, so, when my turn came a to select a book for the club, this was it. … [Read more...]