~ CLOSED ~ Safely Hiking New Brunswick’s Fundy Coastline {$750 #WoodsExplorer Giveaway}

My family and I love to get out at least a couple of times each year and enjoy the rugged beauty of Canada's majestic Fundy shoreline. We are fortunate to live in relative proximity to many provincial parks, as well as Fundy National Park, Fundy Trail, Cape Enrage and the Fundy Footpath. Hiking is one of the most popular activities in Fundy National Park and with over 100 kilometers of trails, your favorite beach, river valley, or waterfall is just waiting to be discovered! Fundy's trails … [Read more...]

Winter Safety Tips {Healthy Living}

Photo credit - Chris Sampson (CC) The first thing I need to say applies not only to winter safety, but to safety all year long. My mom drilled this into me when my kids were little, and I'm very happy she did!  Now I'm here to drill it into your head...Take the cords and drawstrings off your child's clothing. … [Read more...]

Holiday Food Safety to Protect You, Those Pregnant and Your Entire Family From Foodborne Illnesses {Healthy Living}

Holiday Food Safety ~ The festive season is rapidly approaching, in fact it has arrived!  Accompanying this fun season is lots of baking, entertaining, and dinners with family and friends.  While it’s always important we all follow proper food safety steps, it’s especially important for women to pay close attention to food safety during pregnancy. To protect themselves and their unborn baby, pregnant women should follow the four key steps to food safety:  Cook; Clean; Chill and Separate.  These … [Read more...]

Toy and Decoration Safety During the Holidays {#HealthyLiving}

'Tis the season for safety during the holidays!! … [Read more...]

How to stay safe this Halloween, tips for teens & young adults! {Healthy Living}

I've been seeing lots of great tips for keeping the little ones safe this Halloween.  Being a mom of grown children, I started searching for tips to keep all the young adults safe too. Photo credit - gaudiramone, on Flickr (CC) … [Read more...]

How to reduce your risk of mosquito & tick bites

This is the time of year when we all love being outdoors as much as possible; camping, picnicking, hiking or just working or playing in the yard.  However, we are not alone, mosquitos and ticks also enjoy this time of year and their bites can cause a range of health problems, from itchiness and irritation to potentially serious diseases. {Mosquito - Image source: Alvesgaspar (CC)} Mosquitoes can bite at any time of the day, but most species are more active at dawn and dusk.  Ticks are often … [Read more...]

How To Keep Your Family Safe When Tenting

We still tent a lot, but when our kids were little we spent most of our summer week-ends tenting and we were always aware of some basic tenting rules.  Before you and your family set out on your next camping trip, do you know how to tent safety? … [Read more...]

How to barbecue a safe burger ~ HEALTHY LIVING ~

Many of us will be barbecuing in the upcoming summer months; steaks, chicken, fish, pork and lots of hamburgers.  Did you know, eating undercooked ground beef  may result in a type of food poisoning commonly referred to as hamburger disease? … [Read more...]

HEALTHY LIVING – Safe Summer Fun ~ Quiz ~

I can't believe I'm writing this...especially since it was minus 5C last night where I live!! But, summer is quickly approaching {not quickly enough...} and it's time to start thinking about how to stay safe during this busy season. … [Read more...]

Keep your kids safe around household chemicals!

Chances are you have a variety of household chemical products at home, like cleaning liquids and powders, drain cleaners and paint. These can pose serious health risks to children if they are not used and stored properly. … [Read more...]