When our kids were little, Music Man and I always took them camping a few times every summer. Back in those days we pitched a tent and slept in sleeping bags on the floor. Our luxury item was "bubble pads", think bubble wrap in a large sheet, but there were no air mattresses like we have now. We have lots of great memories (and some not so great...but we laugh at them now!) from those early days of camping. It's not too late to enjoy some time in the great outdoors! As a matter of fact, my … [Read more...]
Loving the Great Outdoors #WoodsExplorer {w/$450 Prize Pkg}
As anyone who knows me will attest, I love camping and the great outdoors! That’s not to say I don’t enjoy a vacation in a five-star hotel because I do. It’s just that these are two entirely different experiences, each with their own pluses and minuses. Like many people, I sometimes find the daily grind of what to have for dinner and then cooking the meal a bit of a chore. So you would think I would absolutely dread cooking on a camp stove. Not the case! Maybe it's the laid-back relaxed … [Read more...]
~ CLOSED ~ Love the Great Outdoors? Become a #WoodsExplorer {w/$450 Prize Pkg}
Anyone who knows me is well aware of my love for camping and the great outdoors. If I had my way (which I don't always get...lol), I would be camping every vacation and every weekend in the summer. I always tell my family that I was born one hundred or one hundred and fifty years too late. I would have loved traveling the country in a covered wagon and settling in a small house by a river, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. If you love spending your summer vacation in the great outdoors, … [Read more...]
How To Keep Your Family Safe When Tenting
We still tent a lot, but when our kids were little we spent most of our summer week-ends tenting and we were always aware of some basic tenting rules. Before you and your family set out on your next camping trip, do you know how to tent safety? … [Read more...]