Like many people, with the dawning of this past new year I made a resolution to myself. Mine was to consciously start eating healthier and exercising more with the aim of losing some weight. How is that all going for me? Well it went well for a couple of weeks. Then with the long, dark, dog days of winter, I started slipping. I know I need to get back on track and I am determined to do just that. I have thought a lot about what I need to do to achieve my goal and I have come up with … [Read more...]
50 Hours with No Power, Telephone, Internet or Water!
Thursday, January 31st - Here in southern New Brunswick we are presently in the midst of a severe wind and rain event. Our power has been flickering on and off all morning and at about noon it flickered off and forgot to flicker on again. … [Read more...]
Tips for Surviving Cold and Flu Season with the Help of Swiss Natural Echinacea
Photo credit - flickr mcfarlandmo (CC) As we head into the dreaded cold and flu season we are all trying to do whatever we can to keep ourselves and our families healthy. Knowing how colds and viruses spread is key to understanding how to prevent the illness. Catching a cold or influenze ("flu") from getting cold and/or wet is a common myth. The only thing that can cause a cold or flu is a cold or flu virus. Getting cold and/or wet won’t give you a cold. All cold and influenza viruses … [Read more...]
Reusable Brita® Bottles – The environmental and economical choice!
As a nurse, I know how critical proper hydration is for both children and adults{as well as all living creatures}. During the hot summer months it is especially important to monitor hydration as excessive heat can quickly lead to dehydration. Also, many of you may know I try to be as environmentally friendly as possible. So, even though I enjoy the taste of filtered water; individual, throw away plastic bottles are not something I would ever purchase. … [Read more...]
Don’t throw it out, recycle your dehumidifier water! {#LivingGreen}
Tip # 55 Recycle collected dehumidifier water! … [Read more...]
LIVING GREEN – Save water by setting up a self-irrigation system in your container plants
Tip # 54 Make a simple self-irrigating water system Are you like me and keep forgetting to water your container vegetables, herbs and flowers? I also hate when the water runs over the top and out the bottom...what a waste of water! Well, I found this simple solution online at It's a simple to set up, self irrigation system that will save you time and water. … [Read more...]
HEALTHY LIVING – Ocean Beach Safety 101
When we go to "the beach", it's most often the ocean. We do have many lakes nearby, but always seem to prefer the mud flats, tides, soft sand and cooling breezes of the Bay of Fundy. … [Read more...]
LIVING GREEN – One Tip at a Time { #47 Saving water in the garden}
It's wonderful to have a garden and add a splash of green in an urban environment; but our gardens tend to consume massive amounts of water; something that's becoming an increasingly scarce resource in many parts of the world. Here are some tips for reducing your garden watering footprint - … [Read more...]
~Living Green ~ Canada Water Week invites you to “Discover Your Water Footprint”
Did you know that the average Canadian consumes nearly 6,400 litres of water every day? Much of that water – over 90% – is embedded in the food you eat, the clothes you wear and the products you use every day! … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday ~ Fishing in Alaska ~
(PHOTO CREDIT UNKNOWN) Awhhh...check out this heart warming story! Monica … [Read more...]