A – Z Blogging Challenge – O

I’ve been making these cookies for over 30 years…they’re so delicious!!  I hope you love them as much as my family and I do!


Oatmeal Cookies (with pudding)

1 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 cup softened butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 pkg. vanilla instant pudding (4 serving size)
2 eggs
1/2 cup coconut
3 1/2 cups regular oatmeal (not instant)

In a small bowl, combine flour and baking soda.  Set aside.  In a large bowl combine both sugars, softened butter, vanilla, and vanilla pudding powder.  Using electric mixer, beat until smooth and creamy.  Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.  Stir in flour mixture, then coconut and then oatmeal.  Mix well.
Drop by teaspoonful onto a parchment lined cookie sheet.  Using the tines of a fork, flatten each cookie slightly.
Bake 10-12 minutes at 350 degrees F. or until slightly golden – Do not over bake.



  1. These recipes are sounding so good. This one is not only yummy, but healthy!

  2. Cruella Collett says:

    Yummy indeed! I love oatmeal cookies, but we don't have much of a tradition for making them here (Norway), so I'm ALL FOR recipes. Thank you internet, and thank you Monica!

    (And I saved you from the number of the beast. Now you have 667 followers. Tee hee)

  3. baygirl32 says:

    you had me at cookies, then oatmeal, pudding just about sent me into shock!

  4. Ooh, cookies…. *rubs hands together* Thanks for the recipe, I may yet try my hand at baking after all. ;)

    Thanks for following my blog – I am returning the deed and becoming follower #669. Seems fitting somehow…

  5. Great recipe…I love oatmeal.

    I just found your blog via A to Z. Now I need to go back and read your other recipes. Good luck with the rest of the challenge!

  6. These sound delicious! I can't wait to try this recipe out :)

  7. Sarah Allen says:

    Those look delicious :) Thanks for sharing the recipe!

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  8. Marjorie says:

    Oatmeal cookies are my favorite!

  9. Name: Luana Krause says:

    Jeepers! I love oatmeal cookies…never made them with pudding. I've printed out the recipe and am gonna try it.

  10. Karen Peterson says:

    Ooh, I've had cookies with pudding before. They were delicious!

  11. I love oatmeal cookies! I'll have to try this recipe. Adding the pudding sounds like an interesting touch.

  12. Circus Daily says:

    These sound fantastic…Do you think they'd work with gluten free flour substitute?

  13. Hi Monica! Thanks so much for coming by my blog, I'm so glad to have found yours as a result. I love oatmeal cookies, and these sound fabulous. The pudding sounds like such a yummy addition!

  14. septembermom says:

    I ready to start baking now! Thanks!

  15. Hi Monica. What great recipes you have here. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting, otherwise I might not have found you.

    I flaked on the A-Z because I completely forgot about it. I started today, as soon as I realized it was going on. I guess O's not a bad letter to start. ;)

  16. Oatmeal cookies are THE BEST!! Mmmmmm. Now I want to make some!

  17. Monica, I found your blog by searching for others who might have made the oatmeal pudding cookies I have loved for years. It seems you and I have a couple things in common: we both recently made these cookies and I'm also an RN (Pedi ICU and now Pedi primary care). I would prescribe these cookies to anyone anytime!

  18. Marie Anne says:

    Ohmy, an oatmeal cookie with pudding mix in it? Does it make it a creamier cookie? Sounds wonderful!

    Popping in by way of the A-Z Challenge. I’m blogging at:
    Write, Wrong or Indifferent
    Marie Anne’s Missives
    In the Garden With Sow-n-Sow
    Every Day Crochet

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