In My Mother’s Kitchen by Trish Magwood

I could easily live with only one television channel, the Food Network, anyone who knows me even a little can attest to my great love of recipes, cooking, baking, and entertaining.   I love talking about these things, as well as comparing recipes and cooking techniques. I'm always surrounded by cookbooks and read them like most people would read a novel! … [Read more...]

Living Green, One Tip at a Time – (a weekly feature)

Tip # 37 Reuse/Recycle/Re-purpose your old Christmas cards! I met my sisters this morning for an outing to our local market.  During the course of the morning the discussion of old Christmas cards came up.  They were both telling me about re-purposing their old cards by cutting out interesting features, such as a snowman, tree, santa, angel, etc.  Using a hole punch to make a small opening in the "tag", threading some pretty ribbon or twine through the opening … [Read more...]